Subjective Right as the Object of a Corporate Relationship


  • Yurii Zhornokui


shareholder, joint stock company, object of legal relations, subjective corporate rights.


Submitted to the review article is focused on the analysis of the current state of the studies about the object of a corporate relationship. As the basis, the author has taken methodological approach to study the researched phenomenon from the general to the specific. In particular, the range of problematic aspects related to the clarification of the object of civil relations in general, the object of their variety – corporate relations. The author has suggested to consider the subjective corporate right as the object of corporaterelationship.
Provided conclusion is based on the fact that the vulnerability of the most theories concerning the object of civil law is that they: a) are often built on the opposition and b) their developers try to indicate the boundaries of the object of the law (object of civil law). A person entering the corporate relations is interested in acquiring appropriate rights to participate in the management of the company and the possibility of their proper implementation. If regulatory corporate rights are violated (disclaimer, contestation) or there is a threat of their violations, the interest of a shareholder is not any actions, behavior, shares and other objects that are offered by experts to be considered as objects of corporate relations, but restoration and unresisted implementation of the proper regulatory corporate right, namely the right that compose the content of another (regulatory) corporate relationship.


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