Liability For The Damage Happened On The Construction Site Under The Polish Civil Code


  • Wojciech Wyrzykowski


liability, liability for the damage, Polish Civil Code


The article presents the most important issues concerning the civil liability for damage happened on the construction site. It should be emphasized in the first instance that Poland as one of the few countries in Europe has the separated regulation of the construction works contract. This regulation was located in art. 647 - 658 of the Polish Civil Code. Beyond that the different (in reference to general provisions) rule of liability for damage happened on the construction site was directly implemented into Art. 652 of the Polish Civil Code. According to this provision, if the contractor took over the construction site from the investor based on an acceptance certificate (preparation acceptance document), he is liable on general terms for any damage caused on the site until the facility is handed over. The cited norm does not constitute an independent basis for liability and the reference to the general principles of liability included in this provision is also a reference to the both rules of liability - contractual liability and tort liability. All the presented research has been focused on the legal analysis of provision art. 652 of the Civil Code and also try to explain the correct application of this provision in practice.


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20 The Polish Civile Code, (Dz. U. 1964, Nr 16, Poz. 93 ze zmianami). Also as: CC.
21 The Constrution Law Act (Dz. U. z 2003 r. Nr 207, poz. 2016 ze zm.)
22. Judgment Polish Supreme Court from z 29.04.1981r., IV CR 121/81, OSNC 1981, Nr 12 poz. 244.




