Using Of Criminal Measures To Corporations As A Trend Of Modern Penal Policy Of Ukraine


  • Andrii Yashchenko


measures of criminal law, fine; confiscation of property; liquidation.


One of the important tasks of modern penal policy of our state is to provide comprehensive practice of courts of Ukraine lawful, fair, individualized punishment and other measures of criminal law, in violation of the Criminal Code of Ukraine prohibitions provided.
The current domestic criminal law can identify a number of measures of criminal law, which its content can be punitive and non-punitive: coercive or encouraging or those that are based on humanistic principles and irrationality conduct of criminal proceedings.
In the criminal law of Ukraine today provides only three kinds of measures criminal law. According to Art. 96-6 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine to legal entities the court may apply such measures criminal law: 1) fine; 2) confiscation of property; 3) liquidation.
Analysis of these items are Criminal Code of Ukraine, we conclude that section XIV-I General Part of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, the apt remark of some researchers, is the embodiment of the second model the impact on entities that are represented in the criminal law of foreign countries, whereby the offender can only be a natural person. By legal entity apply only measures of legal influence.
The peculiarity of the application of criminal law on the legal entity is that these measures can be applied to a legal person only once (in parallel) with the use of certain measures criminal law concerning an individual who has committed on behalf of the legal entity or in its interests any offense under Art. 96-3 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.


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