Policy In The Fight Against Crime - Current Issues


  • Pavlo Fris


crime policy in the fight against crime, directions penal policy.


Criminological performance levels and factor as crime in general and its most dangerous species in Ukraine, clearly show extremely negative trends in its development. It should be noted that crime was actually one of the key factors contributing to the development of the country, determine the success of socio-economic transformation. It appears that the main reason for this is that in our country there is no deliberate policy in the fight against crime, based on a developed doctrine and concept.
Development for their national content, liberal-democratic ideology essentially policy in the fight against crime is the first important task, which will determine all further as a scientific and legal and pravorealizatsiynu activities.
The author notes as a positive thing that in Ukrainian science as opposed to scientific positions other former Soviet countries, virtually no debate as to understand the contents of this policy.
Ukrainian scientists today are able to begin to develop the concept of criminal law policy at medium to longer (10 years) perspective.
The concept should consist of the relevant sections that define the basic concepts, objectives, targets and key moments of her.
It appears that the main, basic idea, which should be built into the concept should be essential idea of narrowing the scope of legal regulation which in the end will lead to the adoption of the Criminal Code in the new edition.


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