Organs Of Pre-Trial Investigation : Separate Problems Of Contemporaneity


  • Iryna Basysta


pre-trial investigation, state bodies of power


In accordance with the article of 38 CPC of Ukraine the organs of pre-trial investigation (by organs that carry out an inquest and pre-trial investigation) are investigators subdivisions: organs of internal affairs; organs of safety; organs that carry out control after inhibition of tax law; organs of state bureau of investigations; subdivision of detectives, subdivision of internal control of the National anticorruption bureau of Ukraine.
To the system of organs of internal affairs enter:
1) Ministry of internal affairs of Ukraine;
2) central executive bodies activity of that is directed and coordinated by Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine through Minister for internal affairs of Ukraine (farther central executive bodies).
3) the National household troops of Ukraine.
In such legal vagueness in practice investigators are accept judicial decisions in criminal realizations, that is why there is a logical question, or by the proper subjects within the framework of the described legal field they are accepted. So however the modern investigators of former militia yet passed selections to the new police, then who remained the authorized subject on realization of pre-trial investigation.


1. Kryminal’nyy protsesual’nyy kodeks Ukrayiny [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu: httr:// (vstupyv v diyu z 20 lystopada 2012 roku).
2. Pro orhany vnutrishnikh sprav: Zakon Ukrayiny vid 2 lypnya 2015 roku # 579-VIII [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu:
3. Poyasnennya veto do Zakonu Ukrayiny pro orhany vnutrishnikh sprav [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu:





