Legal Consequences Of The Members’ Withdrawal From The Company


  • Liliana Sishchuk


right to withdraw, member, company, general partnership, limited partnership, limited liability company, calculations, property of the company, the share in the authorized capital, the market value of the property, the carrying value of the property


In the article analyzes the procedure and legal consequences of the members’ withdrawal from the company. The list of grounds that cause the possibility of the right of withdrawal was determined. The peculiarities of the calculation with the member who made the right to withdraw were defined. In particular it was about the value of part of the property of company, in proportion to member’ share in the authorized capital and it was about the terms of the calculation with a member. The necessity of legislative consolidation to determine the market value, not the carrying value of the company’s property during the calculations with the member that left the company was proved. For this purpose, describes the difference between the onset of the legal consequences of the application of such legal structures as right to withdraw from the company and the right to sell the share of the member. The changes proposed to the current legislation aimed at improving the mechanism of regulation of the the members’ withdrawal from the company.


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