Price Of Crime As Criminological Problem


  • Iryna Moisieieva


crime rates


The article discusses issues related to one of the little-known problems of modern criminological science - the problem of crime rates. Determining the price of crime is of paramount importance, as it serves as a necessary information base for the development of effective and efficient crime policy for the reasonable and efficient organization of the fight against crime by all means, society and the state and to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens from criminal acts. Crime is very costly to the modern world. However, to determine the real cost of crime is difficult enough, especially if it is about the social consequences of criminal acts that can not be expressed in monetary terms. The article describes the «wide» and «narrow» approaches to the study of crime rates, and methods of determining factors on which it depends.
The effects of crime can manifest in many different spheres of society: socio-economic, political, spiritual, moral, labor, family, etc. Naturally, not every damage caused by crime can be calculated and expressed in monetary terms. But the consequences of crime are detrimental to society, a negative impact on social relations. The social consequences of crime can be straight, directly related to the crime, and indirect, whose connection with the offenses indirectly through the cost of the fight against crime, or to compensation for moral damage caused to the victim.


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