The International Dimension Of Penal Policy (The Grounds Of And Prospects)


  • Oleksandr Zhytnyi


treaty crimes, penal policy


International criminal law policy is the constant task of maintaining peace and international law, which provides for the continuing operation of institutions that provide combat international crime - the most serious socially dangerous acts that violate fundamental rules of international law prejudicial to the vital (basic) interest of the international Community as a whole, infringe international law and order in general, international peace and security of mankind. These crimes are aggression, war crimes, genocide, crimes against humanity. They wrongfulness always has international legal character (which criminalized in international law), which determines the possibility of bringing the perpetrator to justice international body of criminal jurisdiction (thus, in particular, the International Criminal Court) even in the absence of appropriate criminal law prohibitions in the national criminal law and regardless of where such crimes.
Equally important task penal policy has variable components - providing combating crimes of international nature (treaty crimes), which have the object is not universal values, and elements of the national domestic legal order, ie relations that have traditionally protected by national law (in the area property, public safety, public health, etc.), the importance of which is recognized by the international community.


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