Some Aspects Of Systematization Contracts For Which Property Is Transferred For Use


  • Ivan Kalaur


civil law contracts system, classification factors, rent contract, accession contract, public contract, leasing contract, fixed assets.


The research work is devoted to contracts system investigation according to which the property is transferred as well as to searching of separate types criteria differentiation. The author presents the level system model of contract constructions as a key point of such contracts systematization. This leads to their joining into groups like kinds, types and subtypes.
The work discusses the contracts group as a separate kind of agreement that is formed over the first period of their level systematization. It is separated among other contact types according to transferring criteria.
The Civil Code of Ukraine states that the mentioned type of contracts is presented by three types: lease contracts, residential lease and loan contracts. Such types appear to be a result of the researched group of the contracts over the second period of their systematization, in accordance with the criteria of each type.
The next stage of contracts systematization allows to determine typical contract constructions of both lease and residential lease. The analysis of principal rules of the Civil Code of Ukraine makes it possible to conclude that the contracts may be differentiated accordingly to property criteria. The author also draws a conclusion that it can be changed due to other classification factors which are determined by law. However, the author considers that the differentiation processes occur at different levels of the systematization. Finally, at this stage of systematization the research proposes to separate three types of transferring contracts: a hiring contract, a lease contract and a rent contract. Their changing will be completed accordingly to the criteria of a transferred property kind.


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