Сonstruction Of Entrepreneurial Legal Entities Of Private Law In The Legislation Of Ukraine And Foreign Countries: Comparative Analysis


  • Alla Zelisko


legal entity, entrepreneurial legal entity of Private Law, company, legal construction of legal entity, complex of criteria of classification of legal entities


Zelisko A. V. Сonstruction Of Entrepreneurial Legal Entities Of Private Law In The Legislation Of Ukraine And Foreign Countries: Comparative Analysis
The entrepreneurial legal entities of Private Law are the most operative and comfortable form of modern business. These legal entities was forming in specific terms. Scientific conceptions of the constructions of entrepreneurial legal entities of Private Law were absent in a that period. The legal adjusting of these legal entities can be characterized by different problems of the practice and science: it is the general norms of the Civil and the Commercial codes of Ukraine; a lot of special normative acts in the current legislation of Ukraine. These scientific researches are burning. As a result, modern science needs the comparative analysis of the current legislation of foreign countries.
The basic summarizing category of the sphere of our scientific interests is the legal entity. The processes of the integration of the forms of entrepreneurial legal entities of Private Law need additional the basic summarizing categories – the categories of second level. These categories are the result of different criteria of classification and are the basic of separate legal forms of legal entities. The construction of legal entities is the type, which includes a lot of forms of the entrepreneurial legal entities of Private Law. It’s a main role of this legal construction in the processes of the integration. Such legal constructions have got static and dynamic signs. The dynamic signs are the basic of forms of the entrepreneurial legal entities of Private Law. This fact needs a few criteria of classification of legal entities of Private Law. The complex of these criteria we formed on basic of the comparative analysis of the current legislation of foreign countries. It is established, that the current legislation of foreign countries can be use such criteria of classification of legal entities of Private Law: the primary aim of legal entity; the nature of legal bond between the legal entity and it’s participant and other criteria.
The processes of application of the complex of criteria of classification of legal entities of Private Law should be solve the problems of legal adjusting of the entrepreneurial legal entities of Private Law in the Civil Code of Ukraine. Such legal model should unite different systems of legal entities and should become a basis for creation of new forms of entrepreneurial legal entities.


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