The squeeze-out regulation in the Polish Code of Commercial Companies


  • Mateush Zhaba


squeeze-out, private joint-stock-companies, Polish law


This paper deals with the regulation of squeeze-out that appears in the Polish Code of Commercial Companies. The squeeze-out institution is a relatively new construction of Polish law. In principle, it has occurred recently also in legal systems of European Union Member States. The main form of this institution was adopted in article 418 of the Polish Code of Commercial Companies and it is based on the regulation of Directive 2004/25/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 21st 2001 on takeover bids. The paper presents the essence of the squeeze-out matter which is the possibility to buy out by majority shareholders at the price which is determined by the Polish Code of Commercial Companies. The subject of this article refers to the goal of squeeze-out regulation. The main aims of this regulation approved in Polish law are to guarantee an appropriate protection of the rights of the minority shareholders and also protection of the rights of majority shareholders from abuse of corporate rights by minority shareholders. Nowadays, the subjective scope of regulation of the Article 418 of the Polish Code of Commercial Companies concerns only to private joint-stock companies.


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